We are Mark & Nicky Butler and we live in the heart of Warwickshire with our much loved furries.
We first ventured into the world of cats when we purchased our first two litter sisters; Holly (Adqualo Klassy Kassy) & Angel (UK Gr.Pr. Adqualo Fussy Flissy) which were Blue Point Birmans, sadly they are no longer with us as they left us to go to Rainbow Bridge to play with the other furries.
Once we decided to embark on the world of showing, we applied to the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy for our prefix which, we were delighted to find they had accepted our choice of JINGLEBELLES! We really wanted this as both of these girls were born at Xmas time and the JINGLE stems from the Xmas Bells and the BELLES
came from the early war years from girls!
Over years our household has increased to include Maine Coons. All the cats can be seen on the Maine Coon pages along with their successes to date.
Though we started our breeding career with Birmans we now
no longer breed them and the ones we still have are residing in
creature comforts and enjoy their retirements.
Some of our cats have coveted titles now and in semi-retirement to allow us to bring on the youngsters which are in our household. We are very proud to have achieved what we have with our cats to date and would like to extend our gratitude to the breeders who have let us have these cats and give us so much pleasure showing them.
As you purruse through our site you will, we are sure, enjoy the reading about our extended family, happy reading!
Mark & Nicky Butler